
Please feel free to browse the photos on the blog, to ease the process of finding photos you are looking for, the "search", "last 5 updates", "archive" and "labels" options can be used.

If you cannot find specific samples of photos I have taken, please feel free to contact me at leroy.cronje@gmail.com

(Website logo designed by Kyle Van Der Schyff, photo logo designed by Mandy Van Der Merwe)

(please click here for an event calender covering the Vaal Triangle)

How to order photos

Photos can be ordered individualy for R25 a photo (jumbo size), the edited high resolution image (without any logos on) will be posted/delivered to you. Enlargements are also available on request. (please e-mail me the image numbers that you would like to order, it can be found on Flickr and will be in the format "IMG_XXXX")

For further information / queries / bookings / orders, please feel free to e-mail me at


Monday, October 5, 2009

Sexpo 2009 - Johannesburg

Sexpo was held from 1 - 4 Oct in Johannesburg, as always, it never dissapoints :)

Featuring various stage performances from the Pulse Revu, Bella Anderson and apperance by pornstar Jessica Drake, it was one of the highlights of the weekend for many visitors.

Here are some of the photos (173 photos in the gallery - Images hosted on Photobucket):

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Full Album:

P.S. I am still looking for a image host for the H2O photos.... in total there is more than 600 photos of the event and Photobucket only allows me to upload 250 MAX :( I will upload them to my original image host as soon as they are done with maintenance (if i dont find an alternative in the meantime)

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